With my newly acquired Zip n Squeeze bags (4 extra-long puree bags and one shorter puree bag) , I think I'll be equipped food-wise to stay at work longer. I practiced eating two meals with it on Sat., and feel fairly confident that b/c the increased rate at which I can pump my food into my mouth w/ these things, I could possibly get more into my stomach before the gag reflexes hit, resulting in more consumption per attempt.
But the real reason why I didn't shut my computer off and go to bed was b/c I yawned (and I just read an msnbc article on yawning which told me nothing definitive about why we yawn...just new findings to buttress the fact that we don't know why we yawn), and DROOLED. Lots. Into my keyboard. I'm now afraid that the amount of saliva that has seeped into the space between the spacebare and the edge of the computer will be the death of this dear old laptop. Yikes. Already things are a malfunction i ng. I amgoing to CRY. `m,
At leastt the mouse is working. :(
But the space bar, backspace and enter are havingi`y] issues. And making weird noises. :( And randomly pulling up STrange commands like the all-caps and search tools.
The good news was that I learned how to get pictures off the cell phone and now have the pre surgery pics and the single post-op ICU picture saved on this here defective computer.
I am really sad about this tragedy. I wrote so many papers and random things on this device. Goodnight. The pasting of spaces between each word using the ctrl + v instead of the spacebar has become too hard.
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