Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Heart aches daily, my mind comfluxed.

I should start a blog called "Defective Goods" (...for Free, Pick up only).

So often I feel like a defective good. Probably born perfect, as all babies are, but somehow was damaged in the process, irreversibly damaged.
No one would buy a product like me, even if parts of me are refurbished by expensive surgeries and improvements (or more dings?) were made with education and "refinement." So, my going price would be Free. But no deliveries made, must come and pick me up.
Would anyone find me useful enough to come all the way over to where I am to pick me up? Or would that be too much trouble, even if I were free?
While I desire to share blame, today, I will own up to the fact that I've taken what was given to me and wasted it. I've ruined and squandered it.

Defective Goods, for Free, Pick up only.

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